GCC-Mercury III Laser

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Product Detail

Mercury III

LaserPro Mercury III carries the fine tradition of the Mercury series to provide stable engraving quality. The servo motor enables fast movement of lens carriage while maintaining accuracy over time, giving you reliable and dependable results. Mercury III is reinforced with new features, including key switch, user-friendly control panel, and SmartCENTER.


Reliable and Made in USA CO2 Lasers

The CO2 laser tube is the most critical component of a laser engraver. GCC LaserPro offers the best and most reliable CO2 laser available in the industry. Synrad CO2 lasers are built in the United States with the most advanced laser technology. The laser product is proven to be the most reliable brand with tens of thousands of installations all over the world.

RoHS Compliance

All GCC products are RoHS-compliant (the European Parliament Directive 2002/ 95/ EC, Restriction of Hazardous Substances) and lead-free (pb free). GCC will continue to concern and provide environmentally friendly products to protect the earth for our further generation.

Flexible 3D and Stamp Engraving

Advanced print driver with over 200 level gray scales to presents you fabulous 3D engraving output. And through the intelligent stamp engraving mode you can create a fantastic logo stamp.

Closed-loop DC Servo Motor

A Closed-loop DC servo motor can deliver greater continuous shaft power at higher speeds than a stepper of the same frame size. In addition, It can also give far greater accuracy due to the continuous movement, instead of constant stopping and starting.

AutoFocus (Patented)

Patented Autofocus Gauge adjusts the laser engraver to the precise focal point on the engraving area automatically. The Autofocus is the most effective lens-focusing tool that prevents human error when exact measurement of distance from the surface of the working material is needed.

Pass-through Front/Rear Doors

A design with doors on both ends to accommodate extremely long working pieces without the need for a screwdriver.


An exceptionally innovative and user-friendly feature based on servomotor technology simplifies operations and shortens setup time. Simply hand drag the lens carriage to the desired position to be engraved and press the start button to commence job.

Easy to Use Control Panel 

A control panel with coherent hot-key design and graphical icon displays that allows you to change laser parameter settings, set jobs to repeat unlimited times, queue jobs, delete jobs, and more.

Key Switch Emergency Stop

Key switch safeguards the machine from unauthorized use.Prominent emergency button located on the top of the machine allows operators to stop the laser and the motion carriage immediately to provide a safe operating environment.

Job Preview Function

The GCC LaserPro laser engraver all series printer driver features a job preview function that previews graphics before the official laser printing process. One of the highlights of this feature is that it provides an estimated working time*.
The estimated working time is an easy tool for operators to know in advance as how much time will be needed to finish the job for better job management; it is also convenient for a shop to provide a quotation for its laser services.

